
“Absolutely Splendid” and “Full of rich dialogue” the reviews of #BellaBooks are in and they are absolutely glowing!


Reviews of Bella Books are in—and they are glowing! From romances to thrillers, our books are making reviewers so happy we can’t help but say “D’aww!” But don’t take our word for it, read on to hear directly from them…

Some of our reviews

The Great Charade by Gerri Hill caused early buzz and all kinds of holiday warmth. Carol Coleman over at NetGalley gives it a 5 out of 5 and writes: “One of the big loves I had for this book, among other things, was it is so full of rich dialog. I am a sucker for running dialog that fills a story, it gets me to relate to the characters even more because you just have their voices and direct interaction running in your minds eye throughout the story and Ms. Hill does this brilliantly.” Also at NetGalley, Natalie Tierney says: “For me, this was a perfect Christmas book. Not only does it nail the Christmas theme, the premise is so engaging from the very first page.” Betty Harmon at Rainbow Refections says: “The Great Charade really is a heartwarming, romantic holiday book that I’m really glad I was able to read this season. If you’re looking for a great novel to read this holiday, this may be the one you are looking for.”

Go Around by E. J. Noyes continues to impress. Betty Harmon at Rainbow Reflections says: “Noyes excels at writing both romance and intrigue and it shows in this book. Her characters might as well be real they are so well-written.” Librarian AJ Lupin says: “EJ Noyes is a 100% must buy, must read author for me…As well as top notch characterisation, Go Around features some truly epic action sequences (Avery is an Air Marshall after all) and is also very funny.”

Hashtag Love by RL Burgess impressed Ruby Clark over at NetGalley. The author has created a tremendous sense of place and a wealth of credible sympathetic characters. I was engrossed in the plot and deeply moved by the events. Books don’t often bring me to tears, but this one did, although it ends on a hopeful note. Highly recommend this to all.”

Guardian by Jen Lawrence also got some rave reviews and a 5 out of 5 stars from pipsqueak at NetGalley: “Lawrence delivered an epic and intense love story and I fell in love with it. I thoroughly enjoyed the soulmate storyline and fell in love with Luna by the end of it because she’s a wonderful character.”

Over at NetGalley, librarian Holly Hughes loved In the Silences by Rachel Gold. “This was beautiful and touched on so, so many important discussions surrounding race, sexuality, gender, and identity with nuance and care—while also being blunt when necessary. An expertly woven tale that is sure to resonate with readers.”

We’ll be back with more reviews soon!