
Lesley Dimmock

  • Deadline to Love by Lesley Dimmock $9.99
    June 12, 2025

I’ve always known I’d end up being a writer. However, my early writing career was stymied by a complete lack of story ideas. This dearth of ideas lasted for more years than I care to mention, during which time I qualified and worked as a librarian. Eventually, I came up with the story that became my first novel, Out of Time. I have since written a second lesbian adventure novel, The Ganden Gambit and now, my first lesbian romance, Deadline to Love.

When I’m not writing—and let’s face it, that’s most of the time—I usually have my nose stuck in a book. Other ways in which I very successfully avoid writing are dabbling with watercolour painting, watching cricket on the telly, birdwatching, travelling and playing Angry Birds on my iPad. I have also recently taken up crocheting adorable birds as a way of making some money while I wait for my novels to become bestsellers.