
C. Jean Downer

  • Under the Cold Moon by C. Jean Downer $9.99
  • Lies are Forever by C. Jean Downer $9.99

C. Jean Downer attributes her inspiration and creative process to living in a temperate rain forest near the eternal Pacific Ocean with her wife of twenty-three years, their two fabulous teenage daughters, two lazy dogs, and three chill cats. When she is not writing, she and the love of her life will be traveling to new destinations and checking them off their bucket list (okay, even when traveling she’ll still be writing but mostly in her head). For more information about her novels and poetry, visit her website and join her newsletter at cjeandowner.com. You can also connect with her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @cjeandowner.

GCLS Goldie Awards

Lies are Forever, Finalist, Paranormal/Occult/Horror and Debut Author.

Photo credit: Adrienne Thiessen, Gemini Photography