
Lise MacTague

  • Breaking Out by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Demon in the Machine by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Depths of Blue by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Five Moons Rising by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Happily Ever After $9.99
  • Heights of Green by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Hunter's Descent by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • In This Together by Bella Books $9.99
  • Moonbreak by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Vortex of Crimson by Lise MacTague $9.99
  • Winter's Moons by Lise MacTague $9.99


Lise writes speculative and romantic lesbian fiction (often in the same book). She has written space opera, steampunk, paranormal urban fantasy, and a contemporary sports romance. She grew up in Canada, but left Winnipeg for warmer climes. After flitting around the US, she settled in North Carolina where the winters suit her quite well. When not working as a librarian, she shoehorns writing in around her wife and kids, and building video game props, with the occasional break for D&D and podcasting. Find some free short stories and more about what she’s up to at lisemactague.com.

GCLS Goldie Awards

Demon in the Machine, Finalist, Science-Fiction/Fantasy.
Five Moons Rising
, Finalist, Paranormal / Horror.

Demon in the Machine, Finalist, Tee Corinne Award for Outstanding Cover Art.