Did you purchase the wrong format by mistake? Or have you changed eBook readers?
No Problem! If you buy an eBook from Bella, you own and have access to all formats. Just log in to your account, go to your MY DOWNLOADS to download any format of any eBook you’ve purchased. Don’t have an account? Just send an email to eBooks at BellaBooks.com and request a different format be emailed to you.
Flexibility for the Rapidly Changing Digital Age!
Our eBooks are readable on all the major devices. We have a format that will work with your Kindle, Nook, iPad, Kobo, and with apps on your smartphone or tablet. Our eBooks are DRM free. When you buy a Bella eBook, you will receive a digital file that is yours forever–not just a “license to read” as with some of the large retailers. Back it up, convert it if necessary for maximum enjoyment and move it to new devices when you upgrade or change systems. We believe that our eBook digital files provide you with the greatest flexibility for a rapidly changing digital era.
As of November of 2023, Amazon has stopped accepting MOBI files as new documents for the Kindle reader. If you are using a Kindle app to read your eBooks, please select and download the ePub file format. Amazon states that mobi files previously loaded to your Kindle app/device will continue to work.
If you have an Apple device and use the iBook App, download the epub format using the Safari browser. It will open directly into the iBooks app and you will find the eBook in your library. More information is below in the Apple Devices section.
If you have an Apple device and use the Kindle app for Apple see the Kindle section instead.
If you have a Kindle device see the Kindle section.
Note: The Books app reads epub files, and is available for free from the App Store if it is not already installed on your device.
Either click on the link in your order confirmation email, OR you can always access your eBook purchase history by going to the Bella Books site using the Safari browser. Log in to your Bella account and navigate to your My Downloads page. You can sort the downloadable files by title or order number. The available formats for each title are listed. Choose epub.
Safari will ask you to confirm the download. After confirming, a download icon (circle with downward-facing arrow inside) appears in the upper right corner. When the download is complete, click on that icon to open the eBook file. The epub file will open in the Books apps. If it doesn’t, the same downloaded file can also be found in the Files app on your device, either in All or in a Downloads folder. Clicking it from there will automatically send it to Books app.
As of November of 2023, Amazon has stopped accepting MOBI files as new documents for the Kindle reader. If you are using a Kindle app to read your eBooks, please select and download the ePub file format. Amazon states that mobi files previously loaded to your Kindle app/device will continue to work.
If you prefer to download or send the ePub file to your Kindle, make sure to type ‘convert’ in the subject line of the email you send to your @kindle.com email address.
If you only read on Kindle devices or apps, you have several options.
You have several options for getting eBooks to your Kindle app or Kindle device. You can download the files to any device and email them to your kindle, or download them directly to the app/device.
For the latest Send-to-Kindle options offered from Amazon to get eBooks to your Kindle device. Visit this page.
If you do not download the file directly from the email receipt or from the final checkout page, you can still download files directly to your device. Access the Bella Books site using Safari browser. Log in to your Bella account, and navigate to My Downloads. You can sort the downloadable files by title or order number. The available formats for each title are listed. Choose EPUB.
Safari will ask you to confirm the download. After confirming, a download icon (circle with downward-facing arrow inside) appears in the upper right corner. When the download is complete, click on that icon to open the eBook file. The mobi file will open in the Kindle app. If it doesn’t, the same downloaded file can also be found in the Files app on your device, either in All or in a Downloads folder. Clicking it from there will automatically send it to Kindle app. If it’s being stubborn and doesn’t open automatically, click “Select” in the upper right corner of the screen then choose the eBook file. Once selected, click the export/share icon (square with an upward-facing arrow emerging from it, at the lower left corner of the screen) and then choose the Kindle app.
To download and email the file, simply download the file to your device and then attach the file to an email and email it to your @kindle.com account. Make sure your email address is already established in your approved sender list in Amazon.
If you prefer, we are happy to email the files directly to you or to your kindle on your behalf. Simply send an email to eBooks@BellaBooks.com and let us know where you want the eBooks sent. If you want us to send them directly to your kindle, make sure you’ve set up eBooks@BellaBooks.com in your approved email list for your account within the Amazon site.
Can you give me step-by-step instructions about adding an email address to my Approved Personal Document E-mail List?
Yes! You can read Amazon’s instructions here: Go to Amazon or use our instructions below.
In your web browser, go to Amazon.com and log in to your Amazon account. In the upper right corner, click My Account. From there, click Manage Your Content and Devices. When the page loads, you’ll have these choices: Content, Devices, Settings. Choose Settings and scroll down the page until you see Approved Personal Document E-mail List. Add your Personal email address (like myname@gmail.com)to your account.
Do I have to add the email address to my Approved Personal Document List every time I want a book sent to my Kindle?
No. You only have to add your email address to your Approved Personal Document List once, as long as it’s the email address you use all the time to send files to your Kindle.
My eBook doesn’t show up after I sync. How do I get my Bella purchases on my Kindle?
If you have a newer Kindle, give it a minute and try to sync again. If you have good wi-fi connection and it still doesn’t show, try the trick for older Kindles below.
Some older Kindles (such as Kindle 1st Generation) may not be able to sync your Bella files immediately. You can deliver them via the Content page in your Amazon account. Choose Docs and select the eBook(s) that haven’t been arrived. Click Actions and select Deliver. Select the device from the list that appears, then click Deliver.
My eBook doesn’t show up and I received an email from Amazon about “Personal document(s) from unapproved sender”.
This means the email address you entered isn’t on your Approved Personal Document List. Log in to your Amazon account and select Manage Your Content and Devices. Then select the Settings tab and scroll down until you find Approved Personal Documents E-mail List. If the email address you entered isn’t in that list, click Add a new approved e-mail address and enter your personal email address here. If the email address in your list already, verify that everything is spelled correctly.
Once your Approved Personal Document E-mail List is in order, return to your Bella Downloads and try again.
Note that eBooks sent to your Kindle will appear under your DOCS tab.
The information and links we’ve provided are based on information available to us at the web sites we’ve noted. We encourage you to read the manufacturers’ instructions, disclaimers and information before downloading any software or making any changes to your systems. Do not trust sites that offer converted files or offer to convert your files. Downloads from unauthorized locations are known to contain viruses and cause loss of data. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Please read legally!