
“Fantastic read” and “What stands out is the author’s voice” the reviews of #BellaBooks are in and they are absolutely glowing!

reviews of Bella Books

Reviews of Bella Books are in—and they are glowing! From romances to thrillers, our books are making reviewers so happy we can’t help but say “D’aww!” But don’t take our word for it, read on to hear directly from them…

Some of our reviews

Go Around by E. J. Noyes is getting some early buzz. pipsqueakreviews over at NetGalley gives it a 5 out of 5 and says: “There’s a reason why E.J. Noyes is many people’s favourite author. She has fine writing skills and an incredibly creative mind that produces stories that are out of the ordinary like Reaping The Benefits and Alone. But even when she does regular tropes like this book, her stories are still fantastically good. Nutmeg over at Netgalley also gives it a 5 out of 5 and gushes: “In Go Around, E J Noyes has dipped her toes in the second chance romance pool and was masterful in blending angst, enduring love and suspense in it.” While Leah M. over at Netgalley says: I absolutely loved “Go Around” by E.J. Noyes. It’s a second chance romance along with a thriller/suspense plot line…Highly recommend for fans of second chance and/or celebrity romances.” JBeebs on Netgalley asks: E.J. Noyes is definitely one of the best writers in the lesfic genre. After finishing each of her books, I always ask myself, “How is it possible that with each new book, she completely out does herself?” I am truly in awe of her ability to craft such emotional stories. She is a master at writing in the first person point of view.

Love Accidentally by Jaime Clevenger and Aurora Rey is also getting some early attention. Carol Coleman over at Netgalley says: “Even though this book is part of a series, I found that I can read it as a stand-alone, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a very light (not very much push/pull anxiety), fun read and I found the MC to be very believable. Also this is a dual author story and I loved that the writing style of both authors flowed wonderfully.” While Laura Green also at NetGalley gives it a 5 out of 5 and says: “I hope we get more collaborations from Aurora Rey and Jamie Clevenger. The characters were charming, Nana was an absolute rock star and made me think of my own Gram, who always thought I could do no wrong, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. This is a light-hearted read that I highly recommend. It will bring a smile to your face.”

The Disappearance of Lindy James by Catherine Maiorisi is stunning reviewers. Della Baczyk on NetGalley says: This is not your typical Catherine Maiorisi book. It is a deeply involved fictional look at mental illness and how it affects the life, family and friends of Quincy, Lindy and their two young daughters….The writing is solid with exceptional moments when describing the inner workings of Lindy’s mind as she loses touch with reality. The storyline is intensely interesting as Quincy and Lindy’s lives diverge.  Pipsqueak at NetGalley gives it a 5 out of 5 and says: “Okay, wow! I swear I’ve never been so tense reading a book before. But it’s gripping and it’s scary and it shows us how mental illness and religious fanaticism can be a lethal combination when put together….This is nothing like I’ve read before. It’s a memorable read and it’s so good.”

Words Unsaid by KG MacGregor is getting so much love. Deb M over at Lesbian Book Blog gives it a 5 out of 5 and says: “This is a fantastic read. The storyline is gripping, well-told and perfectly paced. The main characters, unsurprisingly, are lovely as ever.”

Stephanie Diaz on NetGalley raves about Maryn Scott‘s Talented Amateur: “This was a great story all around. Sure there was romance and it was great, sweet, sexy. But also, the whole story and mystery that involved the drug lord and Peel’s ancestry was just too good. The book was balanced, very well written and it kept you attention all the way until the very last page.”

A Period of unCertainty by Sheryn Munir impresses. Librarian Kaye Cox over at NetGalley gives it a 5 out of 5 and says: “I’m so glad I read this f/f second chance romance set in India…What makes this book stand out is the own voice of the author. I love the food, clothing and other cultural aspects that really take this story to the next level. Della Baczyk also over at NetGalley raves: “Munir’s strength lies in the building of the romance between Leela and Nandini. She takes the time necessary for the readers to feel the love and closeness growing between the two women. The story as well incorporates a number of twists and turns which is sure to keep your nose between the pages. A Period of Uncertainty is an engaging love story you will not want to miss.” While BONNIE KAY A at NetGalley gives it a 4.5 stars and says “This was a second chance romance novel and I enjoyed it. I thought the characters were great and quite relatable…The story was well executed and I highly recommend.”

Astrid Inside/Out by Louise McBain also is getting love from Karen Cobb over at NetGalley.Louise McBain has a writing style that I absolutely love…If only Louise McBain could get change her schedule to accommodate three books per year…..” The Lesbian Review says: “Astrid Inside/Out is a charming, sweet romance. I normally eat angsty romance for breakfast, but this book was very satisfying and left me content.”

My Heart’s in the Highlands by Amy Hoff got some love from Melissa F. on NetGalley. “What an interesting time travel storyline! I appreciated how much history was included and it made the story richer for sure.”

We’ll be back with more reviews soon!