
Curious Wine

by Katherine V. Forrest

The intimacy of a cabin at Lake Tahoe provides the combustible circumstances that bring Diana Holland and Lane Christianson together in this passionate novel of first discovery.

Originally published by Naiad Press in 1983, Bella Books is proud to bring the bestselling romantic lesbian novel of all time back to print. With multiple printings and translations worldwide, Curious Wine is an enduring classic and on everyone’s list of the very best in our literature.





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Genre Romance
Length 190 pages
Publication Date January 1, 1983
Publisher Bella Books
ISBN 9781594932557e
Cover Designer Judy Fellows



The Lesbian Review
…is a beautiful story about finding out who you are when you least expect it. Published in the early 1980s, it’s a classic lesbian romance that’s won the hearts of many a reader, and for good reason. Curious Wine is masterfully written. It’s perfectly paced and surprisingly erotic, since it’s very much a romance novel and not an erotic romance. What does that mean? To me, romance = relationship drives the story, and erotic romance = sex drives the relationship development. Curious Wine solidly falls in the “romance” category.

The Lesbian News
...The ultimate lesbian love novel...complete with authenticity in plot and characters, and fine quality writing? Look no further, sisters, because the long-awaited jewel has arrived with Curious Wine.

The lushness and sensual tone of Curious Wine stirs the imagination. Ms. Forrest has created a milestone of a novel...

Customer Reviews

4 reviews for Curious Wine – eBook

  1. Karin from Castro Valley

    I still remember crying helplessly before I got halfway through Curious Wine. Not because it was sad, but because it was about the power of choosing to be with another woman when every other choice is being offered or demanded from you instead. I saw my lesbian self in a book for the first time.

    These many decades later it’s possible to find the opening dialogue between all the women in the cabin to be somewhat dated. But these encounters are what open Diana and Lane to each other, and unleash a passionate exploration written so beautifully that it set the standard for what readers expect for decades. I open every book hoping to find even a few paragraphs of the sensuality and authenticity of Curious Wine.

    This book saved lives and birthed a lesbian romance movement. It changed my life forever. [Full disclosure, I am an author, I know this author, but every word of this review is written as the reader I was in 1987.]

  2. lpsports

    I too love this book, and the author. Her writing is fantastic. It left me hanging on every word, not wanting to put the book down. You can’t help but read it several more times. After reading this book I couldn’t wait for the next KVF book to be released.

  3. wikar

    LOVE IT – my number 1 – always! I read it again and again 💜

  4. Darlene

    One of my favorites written by Katherine. Your books guided so many of us and I thank you for providing me with years of reading pleasure!

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