Assigned to partner Detective Daryl Chandler in the investigation of a series of child abductions, Special Agent Blythe Kent is both intrigued by the cases and the woman bringing them to the attention of New York’s Deviant Data Unit. Detective Chandler knows she can find every child in her case files. Possessing an almost uncanny sixth sense, and using good old-fashioned detective work, Daryl has been drawn to a wealthy suburb where she believes the children are. With Daryl and Blythe posing as a loving couple desperate to adopt a child of their own, Daryl believes they can draw the kidnapper out and bring all the missing children home. Neither of them is aware that unearthly hands have a stake in the abductions, and that when it comes to facing demons, they are going to need a protector of their own to get everyone home safe and sound.
Wings Paranormal Mystery Book Two.
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