
Migraines and their Remedies

by Sandra de Helen

Being a migraineur, having a child who suffers even more severely, I felt every word, every phrase, EVERY poem deeply, and have a few new remedies to consider. ~Mercedes Lewis, Poet, author of Glimpses of a Fractured Soul

This poem collection includes a range of emotions felt while experiencing migraine headaches. Pain? Yes, and sorrow, anger, hopelessness. But the poems were written to help the poet survive the pain—to have hope for a cure, an end to the suffering. Readers may relate to the pain, because haven’t we all suffered? At its core, the collection shows us we are all in this together.

Poetry and the New Millennium Book 6.





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Genre Poetry
Length 42 pages
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Publisher Launch Point Press
ISBN 9781633040588e
Editor Jodi Zeramby and Lori L. Lake
Cover Designer Peggy Zeramby

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