
Across the Dark Horizon

by Tagan Shepard

Major Charlene “Charlie” Hawk has been in the thick of battle many times, but she’s never had a deployment quite like this. A prison riot on the Moon. Fifty heavily armed, violent felons with nothing to lose. Two dozen innocent corporate drones with no way of escape. There’s no retreat and failure isn’t an option—not with so many civilian lives in her hands. And especially that one life.

Gail Moore runs Moon Colony with a soft heart, a head for business, and a stomach full of fear. Fear of the cold, dark lunar surface. Fear of blood on her hands. Mostly, though, fear of the way her eyes linger on the soldier who drops into her domain full of unquenchable courage and a body she can’t ignore.

The odds of survival were never good. The odds they could make something of their mutual attraction were even worse. But as the inevitable orbit of their lunar prison carries them away from the life-giving power provided by the sun, their chances evaporate faster than the fading light. If they are to survive, they need to move quickly. Death waits for them across the dark horizon.



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Genre Science-Fiction, Romance
Length 214 pages
Publication Date June 13, 2019
Publisher Bella Books
ISBN 9781642471007
Editor Cath Walker
Cover Designer Sandy Knowles



"One of the first movie memories I have is watching the 1959 version of Journey to the Center of the Earth. That film enthralled me like nothing before. It sparked a lifetime obsession with adventure, heroism, Jules Verne, and stubborn, capable women. The latter has been satisfied these last eighteen years by my wife. All the former are the inspiration behind Across the Dark Horizon.

I had the idea for this novel while reading Verne’s From Earth to the Moon. What I’ve always loved about Verne’s brand of science fiction is the emphasis on science. No alien invasion or space opera melodrama can be found in his work, but rather a reasoned, reasonable world containing only the knowledge we have today, but with a brilliant mind to connect the existing dots and take humanity to the next level.

That sort of near-future scifi is what Across the Dark Horizon has to offer. That and adventure, heroism, and, of course, a pair of stubborn, capable women."
—Tagan Shepard


The Lesbian Review
This is a well written and very fast paced book. It is not overly long and there is quite a bit of action crammed into the pages. Shepard builds great tension throughout the book through both the plot and the bourgeoning relationship between Charlie and Gail. The two story lines complement one another well and keep you enthralled in compelling action and evocative romance.

If you are looking for a fast read that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then look no further. The adrenaline rush of jumping into the chaos of a prison riot on the moon, where every decision can mean the difference between life and death for everyone in the facility, is intense. Then throw in a fiery attraction between the two strong women that need to save the desperate situation…the result is heart pounding excitement throughout!

Jude S. - What’s more dangerous than a prison riot? A prison riot on the Moon.

This was so fast-paced that it felt shorter than it really is. I really liked that it wasn’t as much set in the future as in a present where a company trying to outdo Boeing found, almost by chance, a way to make space travel possible. It felt as if this could really happen one of these days. Setting the story on the Moon also added elements of danger of (being stranded in space, the lack of backup, the time frame of the dark side of the Moon…) and heightened the tension.

I couldn’t put this book down.

Heather B. -Across the Dark Horizon is a fast paced book that I could not put down. The characters are well developed and the storyline is entertaining. The book is well written and I would read more by this author.

R. Swier - Across the Dark Horizon was the first book I read by this author. It was an extremely well written fast paced story. Tegan Shepard immediately pulled her reader into the chaos that took place within the first few pages-a prison riot on the Moon.

Even though this story took place within a short period of time, there was a lot going on. The author engaged her reader with action filled tension and many emotional highs and lows as life and death plans were discussed and debated. The characters’ actions and demeanor reflected this tension culminating in both passion and emotional breakdowns.

This was a great read and I look forward to reading other books by this author.

Sarah E. - So the beauty of this book is it’s a mix between a futuristic setting and a normal setting. It’s on the moon, but yet everything in the world around it remains the same so you get the feeling that it’s not really far fetched! I’m really into romance so to have a break and get into an action/futuristic book was a very good refreshing feeling! I really liked both MCs and I could feel the connection. The supporting characters were good too.

Jules P. - Dear Book: Thank you for full filling every damn fantasy I’ve had about a buff female soldier in crisp bdu’s and combat boots loving hard on a slightly uptight, gorgeous executive who rocks 4-inch heels and pencil skirts, who flashes thigh and sways hips aplenty as she goes by.

Dear Book: Thank you for being jam packed with action and set in outer space because I love SciFi. In fact, nerd that I am, I keep pictures of Octavia Butler and Ursula LeGuin in my phone just because.

Dear Book: Above all, thank you for including a strong, intelligent woc who is fearless in battle and who loves to crush her sexy body against the aforementioned soldier every chance she can get. Thank you also for respecting her heritage and not using it as a token trait.

As in most other SciFi, there’s a good underlying message and in this case, it’s about the flawed American justice system and the pay for play prison system that exists in the U.S. Much love to the author for tackling those issues and blending them into an outstanding tale.

Carrie K. - An anxious race for survival.

Gail Moore is in charge of a colony on the moon that is mostly populated by death row prisoners. They riot and take partial control. Charlie Hawk is the Major of an army special forces team on earth that is called to handle the perilous situation on the moon.

There is always something intriguing happening or new information to uncover with each page turn.

The author does a great job of world building. She describes everything in a way that seems feasible and believable. From domes with three layer protection to a system designed to gradually limit power usage upon entering the 14 day span on the dark side of the moon. The reader is completely immersed in the corporate space habitat project.

The relationship between Gail and Hawk begins on a rough note where the two of them don't meat eye to eye. But as the days pass, a mutual attraction forms. This is a distraction that Hawk does not need as resolving the conflict becomes increasingly tenuous. We wonder if there is any way possible that these two can get together as they face the very real threat of death.

This book has it all. Action, suspense, depth, steamy scenes, love, etc.

Overall, this was a really entertaining read.

Reviewer@Large - Imagined in painstaking detail and richly described, this sci-fi is so entrenched in the ethos of the possible that it becomes believable…just immersive and a really good read.

Kat A. - A great spec fiction romance that keeps a great pace. Loved the moon base setting and the characters were both strong women and had great chemistry.

Orla S. - I was shocked to discover the other day that I had not, as I thought, written this review the day I finished this book (aka the day after I got it!) This is what I normally do when I love a novel as much as Across the Dark Horizon. Anyway, better late than never: this book is awesome, beautifully written and thought provoking and you should all buy it!

Our dashing heroine number one is Major Charlie Hawk of the US Army, commanding officer of Special Forces Group Airborne, Company C who have been sent to the moon to deal with a prison riot. Once there she meets Gail Moore the "Facility Administrator" who has a great head for business but lives in terror of the two weeks of darkness every month when they slip behind the Earth. Despite early clashes and poor first impressions the two are drawn to each other. Charlie's desire for Gail, is wonderfully described, almost like she is the moon itself: "She let herself be pulled, dragged into the orbit of this coldly alluring woman." They are smoking hot together!

In the midst of all of this is a really tight, tense, well written thriller as the two sides play a cat and mouse game through the controlled atmosphere of the moon colony. I can't go on about this at length without spoilers so I'm going to stop now.

This book is awesome, I love it. You should all buy it and read it because I think you will love it too and it says some really important things about us.

Customer Reviews

1 review for Across the Dark Horizon – Paperback

  1. writerceleste

    Across the Dark Horizon is a story of two experienced professional women. Both of which, are confident in their roles and damn good at what they do. An unfamiliar setting, a colony on the moon, and the small matter of living or dying, test them both in their own unique ways. A prison riot, rather, an organized demonstration is led by one of the prison’s most charismatic prisoners and by the way, he’s also intelligent and has done his homework which puts him one step ahead most of the time. He has specific demands and he’s unwilling to negotiate. At one point, things don’t seem to be going so well. Major Charlie Hawks, commander of her company is charged with diffusing the situation. Her plan spirals out of her control, almost at the onset. Gail Moore, the colony’s administrator can only hope for a peaceful resolution. She comes across as a stuffy corporate type, however, she’s everything but. She’s a kind-hearted and sensitive woman with a story of her own and a past that helps guide her when she feels at her end. When the women learn that forces outside of their control want an alternative ending, the two are forced to take risks and be creative in how they approach their plan of attack. That’s it, no spoilers. You’ll have to take an adventure Across the Dark Horizon to see what happens. I hope you enjoy this fast-paced, entertaining read as much as I did.

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