
Swipe Right

by Tagan Shepard

Kieran Hall has never been lucky in love. She married her high school sweetheart only to have him leave when she came out as pansexual. Then there was the rebound relationship that turned serious. It wasn’t long before they were out the door, too.

For years Kieran avoided any attempts at finding the next person to break her heart, building a life that was comfortable but lonely. That loneliness finally pushes her to give dating another shot. The only problem is, without freshman homeroom or a chance meeting in a bar, she doesn’t know how to meet someone new.

With the help of her best friend, Penelope, Kieran takes the plunge into the intimidating world of dating apps. It’s just as bad as she knew it would be, but Pen is always there to pick her up and dust her off after another disaster. In fact, hanging out with Pen quickly becomes her main motivation to keep swiping right.

When one of her dates suggests that maybe her dating problems stem from her feelings for her best friend it leads Kieran to wonder, could love have been right there in front of her all along?





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Genre Romance
Length 250 pages
Publication Date June 17, 2021
Publisher Bella Books
ISBN 9781642472448e
Editor Cath Walker
Cover Designer Heather Honeywell



"Research is always my favorite step of working out a new book idea, so when I came up with the idea of Swipe Right, I was excited to dive into research. A lot of my friends were talking about their woes with online dating apps at the time, so I thought it would be fun to center my story idea around that.

Then I remembered that I haven’t been on a first date since 2001.

Suffice it to say, things are way different in the dating world now.

When I was dating, the apps weren’t a thing. I didn’t have to learn the difference between swiping right and swiping left. I consider myself incredibly lucky for that. My wife and I sat down one night and filled out the questionnaire for a few websites. The questions were wild. The rules, both written and unwritten, were mind-boggling. It was intimidating and I instantly felt empathy for my main character, Kieran.

But learning the websites only got me through chapter one. Then I had to research first date stories. That’s when I discovered the real treat of writing this book. Some of those stories had me howling! A few of them made it into the book, with a little tweaking, of course. Even more give me fun anecdotes for cocktail parties.

In the end, few of those stories ended with happy endings. (How do you spend your life with someone who voice texts a friend to put you down…while you’re still sitting at the table?) But the great news is, for Kieran and her best friend, Penelope, sometimes the best love stories start with swiping right."

—Tagan Shepard


Cathie W. - Swipe Right has that uncanny ability to tug at your heartstrings and make you really feel how lonely Kieran has become since her last relationship from 2 years ago. We also witness how crushed she is when her dates leave her feeling demoralized and even more lonely than ever. Kieran’s only refuge is her best friend Pen, and much of the book is a slow build towards something more than they ever expected or could ever want in a partner. What I appreciate most is the level of respect that’s given to build their relationship to the next level. This author has a knack for observing and translating the human heart and the emotions we tie to it while moving the story through a roller coaster of how Kieran reacts to those emotions. So much more than a standard romance, Swipe Right will be one of my favorites of 2021.

Kaye C. - This is a slow burn romance with a friends to more trope. With the help of best friend Penelope (Pen) she is ready to get back into the dating world. Pen helps her with her online dating profile to get the ball rolling. And Pen is there to listen to the dating details. Dating and meeting the right one turns out to be hard.

I like that Kieran is an average, hardworking, normal person. She cleans when anxious and has a good life. She just wants someone to share it with her. Pen is a successful real estate agent and a player with her own set of dating rules. I did like the author highlighting the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Pen suffers from the disease, and I wasn't familiar with it. This book honestly made me pray I never have to enter the dating world again.

Karen C. - Tagan Shepard's writing style is so lyrical and lovely and lush that it just draws me in immediately. I love first person and it really works here as we get to experience all the disappointment Kieran feels every time one of her dates is a disaster. This could have been a listing of faux humorous situations, and I'm so glad it wasn't. Her dialogue is witty without being like a sitcom script. Within the lovely writing, Shepard parcels out Pen's back story in increments that resulted in this being unputdownable for me.

LezReview Books
There is a lot going on for both characters in their lives and some unresolved issues for both. Some of them are pretty heavy but Ms. Shepard adds a bit of levity and humor to balance it out, Ms. Shepard writes humor very well, and sometimes it made me laugh out loud. I appreciated that the levity wasn’t so much in the online dating experience but in the relationship between Kieran and Pen. Those two have very good friendship chemistry, so much so that I’m glad that the author took her time to develop a romantic relationship between them. I loved the diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity in different characters and seeing Kieran’s struggle to be accepted as pansexual gave me food for thought.

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