
Legacy in the Blood

by Catherine Maiorisi

NYPD Detectives Chiara Corelli and P.J. Parker are assigned what should be a straight-forward murder investigation.  But what seems to be the simple murder of a man found in a park gets more complicated when they identify him as Ned Rich, a somewhat paranoid investigative reporter who seems to be living above his means.

The more they dig, the more victims of Rich’s blackmail they find.  And figuring out which one killed him seems like an impossible task. But then they stumble on the project Rich was working on at the time of his death—a not so white supremacist and a threat to our democracy—and the focus of the investigation turns to people who will do anything to protect their reputations and the secrecy of their traitorous goals.

Undeterred by the threats and attacks, Corelli and Parker battle to drag the traitors into the light—and put their lives on the line to defend all they believe in.
A Chiara Corelli Mystery Book 4.



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Genre Mystery
Length 298 pages
Publication Date February 17, 2022
Publisher Bella Books
ISBN 9781642473384
Editor Ann Roberts
Cover Designer Kayla Mancuso


GCLS Goldie Awards
Legacy in the Blood — Finalist, Mystery/Thriller/Crime.


"I started writing Legacy in the Blood, the fourth NYPD Detective Chiara Corelli mystery, thinking the ending of A Message in Blood, the previous book in the series, was a horrible mistake.

Why was it a mistake, you might ask? Well, every author knows conflict makes the story. But at the end of Message the angry, guilt-ridden, PTSD-suffering Corelli was in a therapy group of women veterans dealing with the guilt of seeing Marnie, her former lover, blown up in Afghanistan, as well as other issues. It appeared she was going to be happy. And I was sure the zing would be gone from her personality and the story would be boring.

As I’ve often said, I don’t outline or plot the book before I start writing. So when I sat in front of the blank computer screen to write Legacy, the only thing I knew was that the plot involved a white supremacist who finds out he has a black ancestor. Though I’d spent a lot of time thinking (agonizing) about how to keep the characters and the story interesting, I still hadn’t solved the problem of a happy Corelli.

But trusting my process, I started writing.

And, happily, Corelli solved the problem in the second chapter. How? Read the book."
—Catherine Maiorisi


Sam D. - This is book 4 in the series, and I highly recommend reading the previous three before embarking on a read of this one. The character development over the course of these books is something to behold. Maiorisi doesn't shy away from sensitive subjects, not in the previous book nor in this one. In this book, we read about the harsh realities of racism, white nationalism, and family loyalties. To only name a few. The story, as its characters and the mystery, are layered. The author does a great job of writing in new clues, new hints, tying up loose ends, and handling the delicate subjects with care.

I won't say anything about the case, it's much better read about in the book. I will say something about the characters. Where the previous 3 books were all centered around Chiara Corelli in this book, we get more of an insight into P. J. Parker. I love how layered these characters are and how they are evolving from book to book. Parker's hesitancy towards the changing Corelli is understandable and relatable. And most of all, everything is just handled with so much care and thought. You can't help but love these crime-fighting ladies.

I can't wait for another book about these detectives, their colleagues and their loved ones.

Della B. - Legacy in the Blood is a masterful and complex mystery which never lets the reader breathe easy. Parker is in constant peril with the white nationalists while Corelli keeps looking over her shoulder for blow back from her fellow officers. The mystery expands and reaches outward in many different directions however Maiorisi reigns it all together in a convincing fashion by the end. …Legacy in the Blood is a must read for all mystery readers.

Emma S. - Absolutely brilliant! Legacy in the blood is the fourth book in the detective series by Catherine Maiorisi. All books in the series have been gripping, exciting, addictive, and fresh. You know how you read many books, and sometimes you feel like you've read the storyline before? This is not the case with Catherine Maiorisi’s books. They are original and I'm looking forward to reading more of her stories. I've given Legacy in the Blood a 5/5.

Bonnie S. - Bottom line, this is one heck of a good read. Had a very hard time putting this aside so I didn’t. Great characters, interesting fast paced murder mystery. Very enjoyable read.

Betty H. - Legacy in the Blood, the fourth book in the Chiara Corelli Mystery series by Catherine Maiorisi, is definitely a book you want to read. This is the best mystery/police procedural novel I’ve read this year. With each book I read by this author, I’m more impressed with her writing.

Lex Kent’s Reviews - Some people are just born to write mystery stories and I believe that Maiorisi is one of those people. Whether it is another Chiara Corelli Mystery book, or the start to a new mystery series, I just hope Maiorisi keeps writing mysteries. We don’t have a lot of current sapphic mystery writers and Maiorisi is a great one. If you are a mystery fan, I would highly recommend this whole series. If you are a fan of this series, you will not want to miss this 4th book that was through the POV of P.J. Parker, Chiara’s detective partner. It was great to have P.J. star in own book and I hope we get more of her POV in the future.

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