

by Nat Burns

In this highly anticipated second book in The Desert Willow Series, the Grey aliens are back and Lily Dawson, the government liaison to the Interdimensional Beings who protect Earth, is called back into action. Only this time, it is her half IDB daughter, Birdie, and another hybrid teen, Rosemary, who will be called upon to create a treaty to save Earth from certain destruction.

Soon life is further complicated by an unknown earthly threat, a human, who seeks revenge. Will Lily be strong enough to deal with the consequences of protecting the Earth from the Greys? Is she willing to give up everything she loves to protect her home planet and fulfill her duties as a government liaison? Only time will tell, and time is swiftly running out.

Rosemary follows The Liaison in The Desert Willow Series.



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Genre Science Fiction
Length 248 pages
Publication Date January 12, 2023
Publisher Bella Books
ISBN 9781642474480
Editor Medora MacDougall
Cover Designer Heather Honeywell



"Rosemary came about because I wanted a second hero beyond Lily who was the hero in the first book of the series, The Liaison. Having Lily's half Interdimensional Being daughter, Birdie (Aili) grow from an infant to an adult in the course of only several years was asking a lot of the readers, as well as the unknowing characters in Rosemary, but I felt it was something inevitable to prepare for the upcoming battle. Then for Birdie to find a compadre in arms in Rosemary, well, there was my other hero. The character Rosemary is beyond intelligent and has a grace and tolerance of adversity that we should all emulate. I hope my readers will enjoy this story and, the first person who can tell me which of my seventeen books the walk-on characters are from will win one free digital or paperback copy of any one of my books, their choice."

—Nat Burns


Ashlee G. - …This series though is very unique, and I love the idea that other beings could have a Liaison like this with a human. Lots of fun to read, especially anyone looking for a little sci-fi fun.

Patrica B. - Really good science fiction romance.

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