
A Light on Altered Land

by Becky Bohan

With a nod to Patricia Highsmith’s Carol, A Light on Altered Land explores the themes of finding relevance in, and acceptance of, a changing world. Retirees Ellie Belmont and Kathryn Kepler have suffered life-changing losses. Their chance meeting in a Minneapolis coffee shop sparks a friendship of awakening and renewal. On a cross-country road trip involving a confrontational daughter and a run-in with the law, Ellie and Kathryn strive to trust the path opening before them—to believe even when things go awry, a higher wisdom may be at work. Their challenges open them to new vistas of love, passion, spirit, and hope.



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Genre Romance
Length 276 pages
Publication Date January 11, 2020
Publisher NANBEC Books
ISBN 9781654110871

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