
The Long Way Home (Desert Palm Press)

by Roslyn Bane

Major Samantha Davies is a warrior. After being abandoned by her father and raised in a foster home, she has made the Marine Corps her life. As a helicopter pilot she has excelled under the demands of her career. Always a fierce competitor, she now faces her toughest challenge…living with a disability that threatens her career and dealing with survivor’s guilt that threatens her emotional stability.

Lieutenant Commander Kristine Matthews is a highly skilled, combat experienced Navy Surgeon well accustomed to handling the worst destruction war can do to a person.

One fateful afternoon their paths cross and their lives change forever.

In a world where independence and strength are as valued as teamwork, and these two women struggle through rehabilitation, will they heal enough to live again and find happiness? Or will their shared experience destroy them?





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Genre Adventure
Publication Date July 1, 2017
Publisher Desert Palm Press
ISBN 9781942976523e
Editor Mary Hettel

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