The culmination of a tale spanning lifetimes thrusts the current lives of Kidwell, Anna, Maolan, Martin, Aisha, and Greg into an adventure that crosses not only millennia but also magical boundaries between worlds. A handful of humans joins with others—most viewed as only magical fantasy in the human world—to lead the fight to overcome great evil and to end a battle begun before any remembered human history.
This group of mismatched and diverse heroes faces the unimaginable as a family. It is the love, caring, forgiveness, and courage they share that provide hope not just for themselves but for the world around them. The magic Kidwell and her co-prophet, Aisha, stumbled into in the first books in this series, The Kiva and the Mosque and The Pyramid and the Painting, continues to dominate all their lives. They face together not only great evil but their own doubts and weaknesses.
With luck and determination, they may save not only the world but themselves as well.
Genre | Romance, Science-Fiction, Paranormal |
Publication Date | November 15, 2019 |
Publisher | Sapphire Books Publishing |
ISBN | 9781948232883e |
Editor | Heather Flournoy |
Cover Designer | Fineline Cover Design |
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