
Reaping the Benefits

by E. J. Noyes

Morgan Ashworth isn’t having a good day. The award for Minion of the Year is slipping out of reach, and she has to administer an afterlife package to one of her human employees. An employee she’s attracted to. An employee who’ll soon know Morgan isn’t quite what she seems.

Jane Smith was having a great day. Until her hot boss dropped a bombshell. It’s time for Jane to complete the questionnaire to decide where she’ll spend her afterlife. Oh, and her boss is immortal and also Death’s Head Minion. Yes, Death, as in the Grim Reaper.

Jane decides to bargain—if Morgan needs her to sign the afterlife document, she can use her unlimited resources to help Jane with her bucket list. Seems straightforward. Except for the matter of their mutual attraction, and the fact one of the items on Jane’s list is “Sleep with my boss.”

The more time Morgan and Jane spend together, the more they realize mutual attraction barely scratches the surface. But can Jane heal the broken heart Morgan has nursed for centuries? And will Morgan risk loving, then losing, another mortal woman when she knows it means an eternity of heartbreak?

Genre Romance
Length 282 pages
Publication Date May 14, 2020
Publisher Bella Books
ISBN 9781642471397A
Editor Cath Walker
Cover Designer Kayla Mancuso


GCLS Goldie Awards
Reaping the Benefits—Winner, Contemporary Romance: Long Novels and Finalist, Ann Bannon Popular Choice.


"Writing this book turned into a lesson about me breaking out of a comfort zone. I can say now with all honesty and no self-shame that once I was done being out of the comfort zone, I jumped right back in, rolled myself in a blanket and hunkered down in the soft warmth of my favourite point of view (POV). If anyone reading this knows my previous work, you’d know that they all have one thing in common aside from the whole WLW theme. They’re written in first-person POV. Sweet, sweet first person.

I’ve spoken about my love of first person before so I won’t bore you with another essay about how great it is. But I will bore you with a micro essay about why I decided to go against my natural grain and write Reaping the Benefits in third-person POV.

I spent 80% of the time I should have been writing complaining on Twitter about writing third person until finally some lovely knowledgeable people stepped in, probably because they were sick of me whining, and offered to take a look at my unfinished pile of words. The intervention turned out to be exactly the right kind of kick in the butt I needed to charge through and git it done. So I did. Friends, I wrote a whole book in third person. Medal, please."

—E. J. Noyes


Pin's Reviews - The story is quite eccentric with its paranormal context but in fact is a pure romance at heart with a nice dose of humor. The book is written in third person, from the point of view of both protagonists, which is not common for Noyes, but it is executed perfectly. With all main elements done well, this makes an awesome read which I could easily recommend to all romance fans.

Deb M. - I’ve read many love stories that entertain the idea of soul mates, but this one does something even more interesting. This one explores the depth of love and its ability to transcend death. This story plays with the idea that love has no limits or boundaries. Its exploration provides a unique setting for this heartfelt romantic tale. At its core it remains a romance. The love story between Jane and Morgan is tender and sweet. It’s so cleverly and delightfully done; I’ve never read anything quite like it before. Noyes possesses the ability to see a story where others don’t and turn that into something unique and captivating. She uses rich storytelling and engaging characters to enthrall and delight us.

It’s fresh and original. It’s everything you crave when you want to dig into a great romance. I highly recommended it.

Orlando J. - I'm spectacularly smitten with Death, to be specific with E. J. Noyes' personification of death as Cici La Morte in this new and most wondrous book. Cici is not one of the main characters but she is the fulcrum about which the whole plot rotates. She simultaneously operates as a beautiful symbol of our fascination with the theme of death and loss, and as a comedic but wise Greek chorus guiding Morgan through the internal conflict threatening to tear her very soul apart. All of E. J. Noyes' previous books have had emotionally charged first-person narrative, so I was curious how her switch to writing in the third person would play out here, but it really works. Despite many lighthearted and genuinely funny moments I found that this book not only had E. J. Noyes' signature ability to make me cry, but also fascinating ideas and philosophies about grief, loss, and hope.

Jill H. - The writing style is engaging, the narrative and story line works well, ably assisted with good editing and spot-on proofing. It was also a welcome escape from the grim realities of life! At times as a reader it was difficult to see how this relationship dynamic between Jane and Morgan could be resolved in the short or long term. But the author managed this, providing the reader with a satisfying ending.

Kath D. - Loved this book. Loved the unusual storyline, the way it was written and the main characters. It was fun and put a smile on my face. The writing is superb and the characters extremely likable. I can see this being a series of Jane and Morgan adventures. More of the same please.

Jasmine - This is easily one of the best books I have read this year! E. J. Noyes does not disappoint! This was such a unique story idea and it totally blew me away. The pacing of this book was wonderful, the way Morgan and Jane's relationship grew and blossomed in the mundane work moments, the adventures, and the cozy familiar moments was flawless. The chemistry between Morgan and Jane was intense and their love scenes were steamy and perfect.

Catherine C. - E. J. Noyes never disappoints and this book is another added to one of my favourites. What I love about Noyes is every book is different and unique from the other which is what makes her such a special writer. The way she has me completely entrenched into the story has me wanting to read or listen to her books over and over again, it's addictive. I highly recommend the book.

Jenna F. - E. J. Noyes is an amazing writer. I have read all of her books and no two books have even a remotely similar plot. She constantly pushes herself to be a better writer. This book is no exception. This book was such a fun twist on what everyone normally thinks about life, death, and the afterlife. I loved the dialogue between the characters as well as the plot development. It was a lot of fun to read!

Betty H. - This very unique story line turned into a beautiful story that had me experiencing a multitude of emotions, from humor to heartbreak and everything in between. The paranormal aspect works beautifully in the novel. Ms. Noyes made the supernatural aspect of the story seem like a normal part of life. The characters are well developed. The ideas of life, death, and the afterlife are handled in a manner I would have never thought about, but which works well in the book.

The Lesbian Review
If you’re looking for a lesbian romance, but with a twist of something different, I recommend Reaping the Benefits. It’s sweet, sexy, and fun.

Cathie W. - Wildly unique and completely unexpected, Reaping the Benefits wasn’t a hard sell given the expertise with which the author has been able to entertain me with every book published. The letting go of reality to fall into a paranormal underworld is a most unusual backdrop for a love affair but here we are, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Despite the uniqueness of the scenery and its characters, Morgan and Jane’s developing attraction eventually directs Morgan to contemplate everything. The intensity of her introspections coupled with her musings with Death is as bizarre as it is incredibly interesting. This author never fails to entertain me in the most unusual ways that leaves me ruminating over her words long after The End.

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