
The Road to Wings

by Julie Tizard

What does it take to earn air force wings? Your heart, your soul, even your very life? Lieutenant Casey Tompkins is starting the most difficult flight training program in the world. She has to face thunderstorms, the death of friends, and male instructors who want to wash her out.

Captain Kathryn Hardesty is the toughest and best instructor pilot on the base and the chief of flight safety. She’s demanding because she knows the price of failure is tragedy and a smoking hole. She looks out for all the students, especially the female ones.

Casey has to learn to fly a supersonic jet, not get killed in the process, and face a growing forbidden attraction. Can she muster the intelligence, courage, and unbreakable determination to become an air force pilot? Does she have what it takes to earn wings, find love, and not crash and burn?



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Genre Action/Adventure, Romance
Length 91,900 words/264 pages
Publication Date October 12, 2017
Publisher Bold Strokes Books
ISBN 9781626399884
Editor Cindy Cresap
Cover Designer Julie Tizard

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