
What We’re Thankful For

At Bella Books we have so much to be thankful for this year. We are so thankful for our amazing group of authors (our family) who continue to write their wonderful stories. How lucky are we?

We are thankful for our team of editors, proofers, cover designers, typesetters, social media wiz and for the warehouse staff who day after day offer a customer service that is second to none. (In our humble opinion).

Most of all we are thankful for our readers and fans who continue to support us and support our authors. You’re the reason we do what we do.

Some of our authors also wanted to share what they are thankful this year.

It’s been a wild year after a couple of wild years. I’m grateful this year especially for the compassion of health care workers, the brain power of medical and scientific experts, and the wonderful sapphic reading community that puts love first and is always there when I need it the most. – Karin Kallmaker


I am thankful for so much! Family, friends, and community that inspire me every day. The life decisions my wife Laura and I have made, and the luck we have had with good health. And the welcoming community I have found at Bella Books and writer conferences across the country! As a relatively new writer and debut author, this community means the world to me! – Veronica Guiterrez, author of the debut mystery As You Look


I’m thankful for my beautiful, funny, charming wife—she’s my absolute favorite person to laugh with and brings so much brightness into our home. We’re a classic combination like fried potatoes and sea salt (crispy!).

My sons, three sweet boys who have grown into thoughtful, intelligent, kind men—they fill my heart with love. I’m wildly proud of them and their accomplishments.

My friends—whether it’s the group of women who gather for game nights, my besties who always come through in a pinch, or my author buddies in Writers’ Roundtable and Sapphic Lit Pop Up Bookstore—I’m surrounded by so many wonderful people who add joy to my life. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve them, but I’m grateful for them all. – Cheri Ritz. Cheri’s most recent romance is Low Key Love.


I am so thankful for the stories that are keeping me distracted as I wait for my hip replacement mid-December, and I am sure my to-read pile is going to contribute to a speedy recovery! – Laina Villeneuve. Laina’s most recent romance is Birds of a Feather.


In this time of screaming news and angry unsettledness, I’m grateful for the peaceful moments. The few minutes of quiet to gaze at the shimmering moonbeam trail dancing on the water. The few still seconds I share with a deer during an unexpected encounter. And the soundless graceful sight of the powerful wings of an eagle as it rides, spiraling upwards, on an air current. It is in these moments that I find my grounding, and connection to what’s important, and I’m so grateful for that. – Angela Greenman, author of the debut thriller – The Child Riddler.


I’m thankful for all the fabulous people in my life, the community of Sapphic authors and readers who I call friends and who support my writing all the activists on the ground pushing back against those who want to erase our hard won gains the ability to soon start a new chapter in my life all the great books I’ve read this year my wonderful, brilliant, quirky wife. – Cindy Rizzo. Her latest book is the YA novel The Border Crosser.


While Thanksgiving is not celebrated where I am from, I take any and every opportunity to be thankful! So this year I am thankful for the gift of creativity, for new beginnings and for good rain gear (the Netherlands is VERY WET!) – René Roberts, author of the debut romance, Strong Force.


This year, I’m thankful for my wife’s safe delivery of our daughter, and their continued good health. They’re both the great joys of my life. – TJ O’Shea. TJ’s 2nd romance To Be With You comes out in December.


I am thankful for my family and our farm. I’m thankful for the good health, love and laughter we share. And I’m so excited and thankful to be added to the Bella Books family! – Nicole Gustafson. Look for Nicole’s debut romance Training Horses and Hearts next year!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!